What is certainly a noticeable trend is that health-focused stores in Malaysia are taking the lead on developing an allergy-minded culture here. I was pleasantly surprised to see the following pamphlet at the counter of Boost Juice, a fruit juice chain that originated from the UK, in Midvalley Mall. The pamphlet provided information on nutrition and allergens in Boost’s main offerings. Thankfully for us gluten-phobes, most of their menu is gluten-free, with the exception of some of their chocolate- and granola-based smoothies and their wheatgrass shooter.

Here’s a list of their offerings with gluten:
- King William Chocolate Low Fat Smoothie
- Raspberry Ripe Low Fat Smoothie
- Cookies ‘n Creame Low Fat Smoothie
- Brekkie to Gogo Super Smoothie
- Gym Junkie Super Smoothie
- Wheatgrass Shooter
Yay that for once, the “yes” list is longer than the “no-no’s!” Boost Juice is available at virtually every large mall in Malaysia. Don’t forget to ask them to wash out the blender before making yours.