On 14 May last year, I posted my hummus recipe. Now, I’ll give you this much: it’s some work, especially when it’s a staple! (And in my house, it really is.)
So, I always look out for store bought versions that are budget- and tastebud-friendly. I have finally settled on the best one: Cedar’s Hummus. It’s not organic, which is a bummer, but it is “all natural.” I’m hoping that this means it actually is organic but the company didn’t want to bother with certification. However, if you look at the ingredient list, all their hummus products, aside from the sundried tomato and basil flavored hummus (which seems to have some junk in it), are pretty wholesome.

At RM16.00, it’s pretty affordable. There’s a fully organic hummus available at Village Grocer in Bangsar, but at RM30.00, it’s really not budget-friendly. There’s another local company called Hummus Co. that makes a hummus priced at RM16.00 also, but it’s nowhere as good as Cedar’s. Hummus Co.’s hummus is not smooth (the way good hummus should be) and doesn’t taste very good at all! (It’s also available at Village Grocer.)
Cedar’s is tasty! I especially love the roasted red pepper flavor. Goes great with cut up veggies, used as dipping crackers. My only gripe against them is that they use sunflower oil as the primary oil ingredient. I wish they’d use a good quality olive oil! Oh well. Rather than complain, I should just get crackin’ on making my own hummus. ;P