Update: Amazing Breads at Organica Lifestyle!

Wow, it’s been awhile since Bubbles and I blogged! Happy 2016! Thanks to David – one of our readers – who reminded us that people actually read our blog and jolted us back to Updateville!

Today’s update is a quick add-on to a previous post, but we will post again! Organica Lifestyle, one of Daisy’s favourite hangouts (for the yoga, food, and company!), has added paleo bread and gluten-free bread to its offerings!

The perfect comfort food - bread with butter and jam, and a hot cup of perfectly made chai!
The perfect comfort food – bread with butter and jam, and a hot cup of perfectly made chai!
The texture is perfect and the composition super healthful! On the left is a paleo bread with chia seed, and on the right, a spicy gluten-free bread.
The texture is perfect and the composition super healthful! On the left is a paleo bread with chia seed, and on the right, a spicy gluten-free bread.

Here’s a link to the first review on Organica Lifeastyle!

I’d highly recommend you drop by Organica Lifestyle for their food or their amazing, intimate yoga classes!


I just recently had their ricotta pancakes there. See below. So yummy!

Ricotta pancakes with blueberries and orange!
Ricotta pancakes with blueberries and orange!




Food Delivery for Gluten-Frees!

Kuala Lumpur has recently been sprouting many small-time entrepreneur-driven, home-based food delivery services. However, most of them tend to be meat-based and do not cater to the needs of the allergy-conscious.

The one exception that I have found is Woods Macrobiotics. They are completely vegan and cater to specific allergy needs, such as gluten-free meals. Best of all, they are eco-conscious: they do not deliver in disposable Tupperware but require you reuse your containers! When you get your food delivery, you’re supposed to leave them with a new container for the next day! Fantastic, waste-reducing system.

Sample bento box: a starch (rice, quinoa, buckwheat, millet, etc), a variety of delicious vegetables, and a soup! All raw or lightly cooked according to Macrobiotic principles.
Sample bento box: a starch (rice, quinoa, buckwheat, millet, etc), a variety of delicious vegetables, and a soup! All raw or lightly cooked according to Macrobiotic principles.

Do check out their website and order from them. Daisy highly recommends them! They are about RM23 for a gluten-free meal (including delivery). A tad on the pricey side, but totally worth it for healthful and allergy-safe food.

