Daisy and Bubbles are trying to figure out gluten-free life at home in Malaysia, and all around the world! Have a question? Drop us a line at daisynbubbles@gmail.com!
While in India, I wanted to share with you a local Indian brand that does gluten-free stuff! It’s called Nourish Organics and they are based in Delhi. Here is a list of their gluten-free products! You can even order online.
Nourish Organics is an Indian brand which offers a small number of gluten-free products, such as Brown Rice Cookies. They are very “healthy-tasting” – not sweet at all. Difficult to find, except at high-end supermarkets and airports.
You’ve all conceived of this in your minds and figured it would be here some day…
Well, guess what? Today is that day! A portable gluten sensor!
Nima Sensors is prototyping the invention as we speak, and you can pre-order it! Check out their website here: https://nimasensor.com/
Credit: Nimacensor.com
It’s small and even looks stylish! Oh, how much time this would save, how many allergy attacks this would avoid, how much more popular we would be at restaurants!
Excited! Many thanks to the friend who brought this to my attention.